Our Mission is to honor, serve, and encourage those who lead in the Church.



1 Timothy 5:17

Let the elders who rule well be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who work hard at preaching and teaching.

Our Vision

Our vision is to serve Christian pastors by providing a safe, refreshing, encouraging, and supportive environment. Double Honor serves those in ministry by providing complimentary 5 day retreats, as well as through Pastor-to-Pastor mentoring, counseling, and encouragement.

Our Mission

Honor, Serve, and Encourage

To honor, serve, and encourage Christian ministers.

Ministers. Shepherds. Men or women of the cloth. Pastors. Ministry Leaders. Their vocations benefit our spiritual growth and development. They follow a high calling and most are on call 24/7. They tend to be overworked, overly criticized, underappreciated, and underpaid. They serve and serve, and give and give, but who serves them? Who makes sure they are well—emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually? Yes, their heavenly Father keeps them in His care, but He wants to partner with us in caring for them. Quite frankly, we believe they need a break and deserve some pampering.

As believers, we all have a key role in building the kingdom of God. Some are on the front line where spears are hurled and wounds are abundant. Others are behind the lines keeping the supplies available and praying for those in the middle of unending battles. Our clergy members are definitely on the front line, and they need support and encouragement like never before! Double Honor Ministries was founded to meet this critical need of our pastors. When this need is met, we will all benefit.

1 Thessalonians 5:12-13

But we request of you, brethren, that you appreciate those who diligently labor among you, and have charge over you in the Lord and give you instruction, and that you esteem them very highly in love because of their work.



 Of ministers feel under pressure to have a perfect family.

Ministers leave their ministries each month due to burnout, conflict, or moral failure.


Of ministers work more than 50 hours a week.


Double Honor Ministries is a 501(c)3 organization, your donation is tax deductible. 

Contact Us

PO Box 2488
Rogers, AR 72757
(405) 820-8500


Register below if you have been invited to attend a Double Honor Ministries Group Retreat.